
It has always been an honor to be a Novato City Council representative, working together to develop and champion projects that uphold our home town character and keep us economically strong.

I look forward to bringing my passion, long-term relationships and local government experience to the county-level and representing this community that I love, as your Supervisor.

As a Novato native, I feel especially blessed that Kiley and I are able to raise our family here. Our kids remind me, everyday, of the importance of our future health and stability.

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As Chief Marketing Officer for a local Novato business, I’m focused on projects that promote financial strength, and protecting and improving our quality of life.

I have always appreciated your input and I look forward to our ongoing efforts to ensure a vibrant future for our community. I would be honored to have your vote for Marin County Supervisor. 

Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter for updates and to check out my Blog on the Novato Patch. 

Thank you, 
